The black platform Fair Markets has soared, and the "true and false broker" is actually a double trap?Genuine also has doubts!

2024-05-11 12:48:00 金融资讯 要懂汇

Know the brother recently received a complaint!The FairMarkets, which claims to hold the Australian ASIC (MM) license, is warned by major platforms because of high frequencies?

Investors complained that Fairmarkets was exposed, and the broker Fairmarkets interpreted this behavior as a counterfeit.Class events have nothing to do with the real broker FairMarkets.

Knowing that Brother checked the URL given by some victim investors, the fraud agent has indeed been running. At present, the official website of the broker FairMarkets is [], so then the FairMarkets suffered a fake infringement pit to deceive customers to deceive customersOr is there any problem with the Fairmarkets broker itself?Today, let's take a look at the broker Fairmarkets.

● Fairmarkets

Fairmarkets Mauritius was established in 2021. In the same year, TriveInvestmentb.v.

● GKFX · GKFXPRIME withdraw from the mainland incident

Speaking of which, I have to mention the platform named GKFX · Jiekai that investors who should have heard in a family.After GKFX · Jiekai, which was still an old brand in 2023, was exposed with a deck to swallow the customer's funds, the subsidiary brand was also exposed by investors to expose continuously.Therefore, GKFX · GKFXPRIME has followed the trend that he has withdrawn from the mainland and sends an email notification to investors to "temporarily migrate" the investor account to the platform Fairmarkets.

Of course, migration is just "notification" and did not solicit investors' opinions!During the incident, investors did not succeed in gold.

After sending emails, GKFX · GKFXPRIME also quickly replaced LOGO with Fairmarkets, which also hammered the predecessor of Fairmarkets.

On the way to understand the Hui APP, I know that GKFXPRIME Jiekai Finance is still operating. The score is only 3.71. Most of the decks are regulated.

In the comments of FairMarkets, most of them emphasized that the accounts caused by operating errors were blocked. After investors met with a single teacher, they started small earnings.Trust gold.

Among them, the victims provided FAIRMARKETS's chat and transfer certificate to Know.

1. Chat software with list?In fact, trap!

In the bubble chat software, I met the investors of Fairmarkets with a single teacher. I believe in the tricks that I earned a turnover for half a year."Co., Ltd." is obviously not an account of foreign exchange companies.

Second, the official customer service enters the game?Is it a trap?Intersection

If a victim was deceived by the fraud gang who faked Fairmarkets, then the investor was a customer service staff who contacted Fairmarkets on the official website.

According to the investor description: "Because of the misleading operation on June 16, the account was blocked, and then thawed by the customer service of FairMarkets, it was necessary to submit two percent of its total assets of $ 15224 certification funds for certification to thaw."It is also an operational error, and the same is requested to thaw gold. In the same means, the victims are not a small number!

Official platform

It can be seen that the official platform displayed on the official MT4/MT5 trading platform and the official mobile phone APP of Midak in FairMarkets can be seen that the common platform displayed by officials is MT4/MT5.

And on the MT4/MT5, you can find the trading entity [FairmarketStradingptyltd] used by FairMarkets.

But I know that my brother is very confused about the content of the official website statement.FAIRMARKETS obviously MT4/MT5 uses the same company and shows the information of the entity holding the license. In the official website statement, the trading entity of the MT4/MT5 does not show the transaction entity [FairmarketStrandingptyltd], but it is called [TriveFinanCialServiceSaustralsaustralsaustral iAptyltd.]The entity?

I knew that I immediately checked the official website of Australia ASIC. There was a license called [*"named" FairmarketStrandingptyltd], and the "*" represented by the license was changed.

After opening, this license company is named: [TriveFinanCialServiceSaustraliaptyltd], that is, [TriveFinancialServiceSaustraliaptyltd] is the licensed company.Compared with the official website of FairMarkets, you can see that the profile of Fairmarkets is located in the Netherlands. It is a wholly -owned subsidiary of TriveInvestmentBV. Then it proves that the two are the company entities that are separated, so the license is not shared!

In the above trading platform survey, we have checked the trading entity of Fairmarkets's MT4/MT5 is [FairMarketStrandingptyltd].

So there are two possibilities of MT4/MT5:

One is in maintenance of non -transactions and unreasonable real transaction entities.

A "forget" modification of the real transaction entity name, but still trading, [FairmarketStrandingptyltd] entity is in a stateless state.

Which one do you think is it?

Know that I found two license records from the relevant entity name FairmarketStrading: one has been revoked, the other registered license has no foreign exchange transaction permissions, and the address is also located: Level1020martinPlsydneynsw2000.Consistent with the address displayed by [FairmarketStradingptyltd].


Fairmarkets's MT4/MT5 platform True transaction account entity [Fairmarketstrandingptyltd] has changed the name, so it is not subject to supervision.[TriveFinancialServicesaustraliaptyltd] The licensed licenses cannot be shared with [FairmarketStrandingptyltd] subsidiaries, and registered licenses in the same address [FAIRMARKETSTRADING] do not have foreign exchange trading conditions.From the beginning, it is just that the novice investors do not know the complete name of the registered entity, and use the regulatory agency to change the name muddy water to touch the fish to avoid supervision!

The above content is a transaction environment that understands the brother -in -law based on paper information. In order to avoid illegal traders' use of self -developed trading platforms, the trading environment caused absolute control.The verification content is only for reference for Hui Friends. Please check carefully before the transaction!

Detective (1): 3464399446

Detective (2): 3147677259

Detective (3): 2124228721

Detective (4): 2389671330

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