Which is more expensive?Compare the value and difference between the two

2024-09-23 20:07:45 资讯 要懂汇

Comparison of sufficient gold and thousands of gold

Foot gold and thousands of gold are precious materials commonly used in the jewelry industry, and they are highly sought after in the market.However, many people are not clear about the differences between these two materials, and they do not know which one is more expensive and valuable.This article will compare it from the aspects of value, ingredients, production technology, etc. to help readers better understand enough gold and thousands of feet.


From a pure price perspective, thousands of gold is more expensive than Football.Because thousands of gold refers to the synthetic gold made of 999 other alloy elements contained in gold, and its yellowness and preciousness are higher than the ordinary 24K pure gold.Although the ordinary 24K pure yellow is also very precious, the price will be slightly lower.

Component difference

The standard (999) standard is called "three nine" or "999", that is, the content is 99.9%; and the Qian () standard is called "four nine" or "", that is, the content is 99.99%.It can be seen that there is a tiny but obvious difference between the two in terms of ingredients: the former content is slightly lower than the latter.

Differences in manufacturing

In terms of production technology, due to its different components and characteristics, different technologies are required for treatment during the production process.For example, during the melting process, parameters such as temperature and time need to be controlled to ensure that the final product meets the prescribed standards; when mixed other elements, it also needs to be cautious to avoid affecting the final quality.

Scope and style preference

Due to the difference in price and attributes, the two materials have a certain extent in the scope of use: if you like luxury and have the corresponding economic strength, you can choose to buy the style of high -end jewelry brands;Itself aesthetic needs.

Which is more expensive?Compare the value and difference between the two


In general, no matter which type of jewelry to buy, you need to make a calm and rational choice based on your own economic conditions and personal preferences. After all, it can be used to reflect the true meaning of the item.