Monday Gold Trend Forecast: The market is concerned about the Sino -US trade situation, and the price may be affected by fluctuations

2024-06-17 0:46:28 资讯 要懂汇

Monday Gold Trend Forecast: The market is concerned about the Sino -US trade situation

The gold market on Monday will attract investors' attention to the Sino -US trade situation, which may lead to fluctuations in prices.As the trade negotiation between China and the United States continues to carry out the development of trade negotiations, market sentiment may be affected, which will affect the trend of gold prices.

Monday Gold Trend Forecast: The market is concerned about the Sino -US trade situation, and the price may be affected by fluctuations

The impact of global economic situation on gold prices

The global economic situation is one of the important factors that determine the trend of gold.At present, the global economy is facing many challenges, including trade tensions and geopolitical risks, etc., can cause investors to avoid risk aversion and promote increased gold demand.Therefore, when analyzing the trend of gold on Monday, we need to pay close attention to the global economic situation.

Technical face analysis and trend prediction

In addition to fundamental factors, technical analysis is also one of the important basis for forecasting on Monday's gold trend.By analyzing the K -line diagram, moving average, and other technical indicators, you can better grasp the market trend and rebound point.Investors should make decisions in combination with technical and fundamental factors during transactions.

Short -term trading strategy suggestion

In response to the short -term trading strategy on Monday, the flexible strain strategy can be adopted after considering the above factors.Track the latest news and data release in a timely manner, and flexibly adjust positions and stop loss points according to the actual situation to regulate risks and obtain income.


Overall, when forecasting on Monday, it is necessary to comprehensively consider many factors and maintain cautious and optimistic attitude.Only by continuously learning to update knowledge and improve your ability can you better grasp market opportunities and curb risks.