Ruixun Bank maliciously manufactured a slippery point and refused to pay for it!

2024-05-11 10:37:31 金融资讯 要懂汇

I think customers earn too much, make malicious manufacturing, and refuse to pay money, Ruixun Bank's mystery operation!

Give me a clue to leverage the truth of the matter!I am the truth brother!

Starting in January this year, Ruixun Bank's customer complaints have increased!Almost all of them are slippery and refused to make money!If a victim finds the truth brother, let help must expose such a black platform!

With these complaints, let's see what clues are found in the truth brother!

Swissquote Ruixun Bank has been in the investment industry with its unique Ruixun Bank.After the inquiry of the truth brother, it was found that his licenses were regular, and the trading companies on the MT4/MT5 did not enter and exit. It is reasonable to have such a concentrated customer complaint, but many victim investors have recently given the information about the truth brother's information in the near future.It's all intentional!What is actually happening?

Guest complaint 1: Find all kinds of reasons and refuse to pay money

According to the description of the victim investor A, Ruixun Bank scammed him to induce him.Lost 560,000!

Before the victim A was called before opening an account, he did not informed that there was a fee of $ 50 in one hand, a difference of about 65, and no return to the call.At least 20 or more at the time!As a result, a certain loss is serious!

The victim B is also the same routine to be deceived by huge amounts of money: use the QQ group to induce account opening, the platform collects the fee to collect the handling fees, and there is a huge amount of each order and the handling fee.

Isn't this the routine of the capital disk?Using the "teacher" to call a single follow -up, it was enhanced by the ambush in the group, so that the victim was convinced, and finally achieved the purpose of incoming gold. The ending was running!

Does Ruixun Bank also have to follow the old way for capital?

Not only that, but now there are some people who "use" Ruixun Bank's name is out of money!Why do you want to play double quotes?Because you can't guarantee whether it is really used, or this is just a means of public relations by Ruixun Bank!

Let's take a look at the difference between their operating methods and the victims of the appeal:

From the bank name provided by the other party: SwissquoteBankltd, we can find that this is consistent with the official trading account of Ruixun Bank!But now it has been renamed: Swissquotebanksa, and trading occurs on MT4.

And the main body of this company has a regular Swiss license, so is this so -called "use" Ruixin Bank's saying "use"?Think about it yourself!

The operation of Ruixin Bank's shouting and ordering is actually the so -called "teacher" use the results of virtual disk transactions to mislead investors, which attracts investors into its designated brokers (black platforms) to enter the gold, thereby doing fraud.

When the victim requests for withdrawal, the official also finds various reasons to refuse the money, and the request to pay the fee to pay!There are too many cases such!

The truth brother does not understand why large enterprises like Ruixun Bank also have to take this kind of routine. Is it because of the difficulties of the headquarters finance and need to collect money?Or is it simply wanting to make fast money and premeditated selection of some retail investors for fraud, so as to achieve the purpose of fast money?We don't know, after all, there is no background in retail investors, even if it is loser, there is no helplessness!

Guest Ceremony 2: Control the sliding point of the malicious manufacturing of the background

The truth brother's investigation found that many investors feedback Ruixun Bank after seeing investors make money. When the investor was still very profitable, when the investor was still profitable, the account was frozen and not allowed to make money!

The truth brother saw that Ruixun Bank's slippery point is very high, the most horrible is the biggest point of six or seven hundred!What a scary!

It is found that through the comparison of Ruixun Bank and other platforms, compared with other platforms, the market trend of Ruixun Bank has indeed appeared significantly.

Under normal circumstances, the loss of investors due to malicious slippery points on the platform should be borne by the platform.When investors want to apply for a platform to compensate the matter, Ruixun officially refuses to compensate ...

Then the truth brother found that the slippery point in Switzerland was not restricted!

This may be the reason why Ruixun Bank is so unscrupulous!

In the final analysis, the indulgence of foreign law has given it a chance. Everyone must consider carefully when entering the gold in the near future. Look at some cases, and don't have a chance!The truth brother will continue to find the truth behind you!

I want to know what, let's tell the truth brother!