Black platform AIMS has been upgraded to replace trading entities through brand upgrades!The banner of serving the Chinese people is transferred to the island country!

2024-05-11 13:06:17 资讯 要懂汇


AIMS was established in Singapore in 2014. It is a professional comprehensive financial service provider that provides institutions and professional trading personnel with a variety of electronic trading products direct (online) transaction execution and settlement services.These electronic trading products include US stocks, stock indexes, US oil/crude oil, options, futures and funds globally.

Chinese official website:

[Http://] used on the domestic official website used by Aims can no longer be opened. Some investors here have also discovered that the logo of Aims itself seems to have changed.

Foreign official website:

AIMS has upgraded the brand, and at the same time abandoned the official website that was previously used to promote and trade. This website has a language option in Simplified Chinese, and domestic websites can also enter the address and reach the address directly.

According to the business method of changing the official website in the past, I understand that Brother has sorted out the official website of AIMS.

Official website 1: [Has failed]

Official website 2: 【Effective】

Official website 3: 【Effective】

Official website 4: [Facial]

Official website 5: [Current valid]

However, it can be seen through the domain name query that this website is also close to the expiration. Investors who enter the gold need to pay attention to the official website of the official website of the off -date official website with AIMS onion leather -style.The transaction is suspected of being transferred from it. It is also necessary to pay close attention to whether AIMS has a period of premium gifts in the near future, so as not to introduce more investors to be stuck in marketing.

AIMS has emphasized in the last replacement of the official website. In the exemptional statement, "this product has caused by force resistance, computer virus or hacking, system instability, user location, user shutdown, other technologies, Internet networks, communication line reasons, etc.The service interruption or the risk of your required or economic loss, AIMS is not responsible. "

It seems that AIMS does not guarantee the stable operation of its official website and trading platform, and has been prepared for the replacement of the official website.

In the lowest statement of the website, Knowing Brother found that AIMS has publicly stated that it has established its own business in Hong Kong and mainland China so far to develop the financial commodity trading market.Sure enough, the Aims service object still retains the Chinese people as the main market.

We can see that the transaction of virtual currencies on the official website is Aims's main financial products. Chinese investors know that my country has strictly ordered virtual currencies. Virtual currencies must not be guaranteed to be supervised by Chinese transactions. try.

The trading platform displayed by AIMS is MT4, the mainstream platform. After downloading, it is found that AIMS has only one company that AIMS used to trade with investors and only one company.

Knowing the information of [AuricInternationalmarketslimited] in VFSC in Vanuatu.

Therefore, [AuricInternationalMarketslimited] is not regulated.

At this point, the only mainstream platform MT4 in Aims and the physical account of the investor's transactions are not regulated. When investors and AIMS trades, the capital will flow to Vanuatu, which is located in the island country.Very low!For this kind of transaction unwavering broker, plus the official website such as onion leather -type high -frequency replacement, change logo and brand information!Know the brother suggest running!

The above content is a transaction environment that understands the brother -in -law based on paper information. In order to avoid illegal traders' use of self -developed trading platforms, the trading environment caused absolute control.The verification content is only for reference for Hui Friends. Please check carefully before the transaction!

Detective (1): 3464399446

Detective (2): 3147677259

Detective (3): 2124228721

Detective (4): 2389671330

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