[Exclusive] Eightcap interview, Australian companies do not pick up overseas customers, and avoid answering customer transfer questions!Intersection

2024-05-11 12:35:53 资讯 要懂汇

[Exclusive] Eightcap interview, Australian companies do not pick up overseas customers, and avoid answering customer transfer questions!Intersection

IFXEXPO Online Trading Fair is a highly noticed fintech industry event, giving up the industry elites, professionals and investors from all over the world. Yesterday, the Expo was successfully concluded ~

But today, the truth brother will share with everyone's scene of a broker at the scene of this exhibition ~

Today, the truth brother wants to share with you this is Eightcap, a brokerage broker established in Melbourne, Australia.

(Everyone please ignore Evencap, which is the problem of Eightcap Google translation, so as not to wake everyone up ~)

Return to the topic, as shown in the figure above, Eightcap on the 69th booth of this exhibition ~

Speaking of this broker Eightcap, I believe that everyone is no stranger. As shown in the figure above, EightCap scores 7.72 on the supervision of the exchange dealer to check the app, the transaction environment is A. The main exhibition area is in Australia, the United Kingdom, and Cyprus.

The truth brother Eightcap has been investigated in detail in the truth brother Eightcap in August last year, and has organized an article based on the results of the survey. Hui friends who have not browsed can poke the article below ~

Foreign Exchange Brokerage Eightcap's official website engages in dual standards.Intersection

Next, let's take a look first, the detective sharing with the truth brother, my live show ~

The truth brother has always had a question when checking the securities firm Eightcap. As shown in the figure, the screenshot of the Eightcap official website claims to have a four -heavy supervision and has been subject to Australia (ASIC), the United Kingdom (FCA), Cysec (CYSEC) and the Bahamas.(SCB) Supervision.

(Screenshot of the mobile phone MT4/5)

(Screenshot of the computer side MT4/5)

However, EightCap is actually used in the mobile phone and the company's MT4/5 transactions. There are EightCapltd. This Seychelles company.

In the case of multiple servers in this Seychelles company, Eightcap did not solemnly introduce this Seychelles on its official website, but simply introduced EightCaplimited to the official website.It was 196744 and did not make it clear whether the Seychelles was supervised.

The information I checked in the truth before can confirm that Eightcap's company in Seychelles did not hold regulatory licenses, and even the registration information mentioned in its official website could not be found.

As shown in the figure above, the information found on the official website of the Seychel Financial Services Authority (FSA) is still not the shadow of Eightcap!IntersectionIntersectionIn other words, this Seychelles is still invested in actual transactions without supervision.

Is it really confusing?IntersectionIsn't it afraid of being "rampant" to use such a non -regulatory company?Intersection

So the truth brother asked God to explore this issue and consult the customer service staff of Eightcap ~

The detective said that before the Eightcap booth, there were only two staff members of EightCap. One of them delivered a business card to God. The staff member named Onest Claramont was an Eightcap partner communication commissioner.

Through the side knocking on the side, the detective asked: "Is the platform on the platform still in use? For Australia's EightCap no longer accepts overseas customers, the investors have previously exposed online investors.In the name, will Chinese customers be transferred to the name of Seycheta or other island nations? "

Then the Communication Commissioner responded that Seychelles still had normal use at present, and the subsequent questions did not clearly stated that they responded to the problems raised by the detective. Obviously, the communication commissioner was gently avoided!Intersection

According to the information you sorted out before the truth brother, I believe that everyone understands that everyone knows. Everyone is pregnant with ghosts. No one will expose the shortcomings of their own platform.You still have to check it yourself before you can eat and eat, there is a spectrum!IntersectionIntersectionToday's exhibition on EightCap is almost like that ~

I would like to remind investors that investors need to be cautious,

Please brighten your eyes!Intersection

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Detective: 3464399446 Truth: 31476777259

Poisonous tongue: 2389671330 Knowing Brother: 2124228721